Aashna Jamal / Batch 2011

Aashna Jamal (Batch-2011) is an acclaimed economist specializing in low and middle-income countries, and has acquired cross-cutting experience in governance, health, child protection, social protection and education sector.

A talented and diligent student, Aashna graduated from Yale University, USA with a number of scholarships and awards. She holds an MA in International and Development Economics from Yale University. She has received scholarships from Aga Khan Foundation, Rotary International and P.E.O International amongst other institutions. After her time in DPS Srinagar, Aashna Jamal graduated with a BA (Honours) in Economics from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai, eventually culminating as a Fellow under the Overseas Development Institute Fellowship scheme.

Studies and work has taken Aashna across three continents. She has worked on projects in India, Timor-Leste, Lebanon, Zimbabwe and West Africa. She was selected and requested by Timor-Leste as a civil servant. She served as lead economist in the budget department of Ministry of Finance, Timor-Leste between 2018-2020.

Currently, Aashna consults with government on matters of public finance, governance and and other areas of socioeconomic development. She also enjoys writing fiction in her spare time. She has very fond memories of her School; and has nothing but praise for DPS Srinagar: “We had a lot of guidance, plus a lot of freedom to challenge ourselves in our studies. That was wonderful, and really spurred our personal and academic development.”

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