During his time at DPS Srinagar, Abrar discovered a passion for computers. He began writing his own WebPages and obtained various IT certifications. At the age 16, he established his first company, CodeKick, a website designing and graphic developer. It was a successful initiative which brought together a solid group of team members and worked on various projects in IT support.
After he moved to Pune, and joined Maharashtra Institute of Technology to broaden his technological know-how and accumulate business experience.
In 2019, Abrar set-up his second company, Groofle Media Pvt Ltd, a creative digital agency. The inspiration for his second company came when he attended various events and realized that despite living in a tech-savvy world, people still relied heavily on manual labor to get things done. He and his team then created Groofle, which provides robust and quality solutions for Development, Designing and Marketing to individuals & businesses. Groofle’s expertise just tapped in on time to help its customers save time and money by applying Web technology to labor-intensive tasks.
Aside from technology, Abrar is also devoted to community service initiatives. Together with a fellow, Abrar co-founded his latest brainchild, “House of Hangul”, for the preservation & promotion of Pashmina on a global scale. Also he believes to contribute to the uplifment of Kashmiri artisans.
Abrar has also appeared in TEDx talk organized at D. Y. Patil College of Engineering, Pune. In his TEDx talk, Abrar articulated on how he didn’t let his failures stop him from achieving success after failing multiple times in his career.